Learn365 is a multilingual virtual assistant 100% integrated withMicrosoft Teams. It supports employees to improve their Office 365 skills byanswering all their questions 24/7.
- Discover Office 365 tools: OneDrive, OneNote, Yammer, Teams, and Outlook.
- Understand which tools to use and how to use them. It contains four learning paths and up to 60 HD videos.
- Find best practices, tips, and tricks based on their roles.
Business need or problem
Learning newworking tools can be challenging for everybody—both for the team who deployed them and theemployees who use them.
To-do’s,deadlines, and responsibilities clutter our working hours, leaving almost notime for extras. Let alone having to figure out how the new tool works.
Whendeploying Office 365 and Microsoft Teams, it’s crucial to support employees. The proper support willhelp them become self-sufficient users and increase Office 365 adoption whilerelieving the IT Helpdesk workload.
The incorrector inexistent support can bring negative and long-lasting repercussions suchas:
Limited ROI, preventing the organization from achieving the targeted return on the investment for Office 365.
An overloaded Helpdesk IT Team. A high number of tickets from employees needing assistance with basic operations.
Unhappy workforce. Frustrated employees with low confidence in their skills and who look down on the tools the company provides.
An Office 365Virtual assistant like Learn365 can be an ideal solution to support Office 365deployment.
Business solution
Learn365 is a multilingual chatbot100% integrated with Microsoft Teams. It supports employees to improve theirOffice 365 skills by answering all their questions 24/7.
Upon installing Learn365 in your Microsoft Teams, employeeswill:
Discover Office 365 tools: OneDrive, OneNote, Yammer, Teams, and Outlook.
Understand which tools to use and how to use them. It contains four learning paths and HD videos.
Find best practices, tips, and tricks based on their roles.
Learn can answer questions in fourlanguages: English, French, Spanish and Italian. When possible, it will show the HQ video related to the question tohelp visualize the solution.
When the chatbotdoesn't have the correct answer, it will escalate it to human support.Every question escalated is an opportunity to improve Learn365 knowledge base andcapabilities.
Moreover, Learn365 can send push notificationsto users making its adoption easier. Receiving notifications guaranteesthat employees remember the chatbot is always ready to help.
Learn365 is a suitable application for anyemployee, regardless of their experience level.
Business value
Learn365is an affordable and ready-to-use virtual assistant. These are some ofthe benefits our customers have achieved thanks to Learn365:
* Increaseadoption of Office 365 tools thanksto interactive content.
* + 25% ofindependent users on recurringquestions related to Office 365.
* Up to -30%tickets to support on Office 365 requests.
* Identification ofuser knowledge gaps based on tools.
There are three versions of Learn365: Standard, Premium, and Enterprise,contact us to find the best version for your needs.
Success factors
Howto make the most of Learn365? Three simple actions can increase the success ofLearn in your organization:
* Install and pinLearn365 in all employees’ MicrosoftTeams menu.
* Use pushcommunication to attract employees’ attention. Trigger a push message when the user opensMicrosoft Teams: “Hey, I’m here to help!”. Or to communicate the latestupdates.
* Team up withInternal Communications to ensureall employees know that Learn is available on Microsoft Teams.
These actions will ensure employees know where to go when in doubt withOffice 365.