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Storyals Lite

An out-of-the box adoption site with story-based learning to build digital skills.

Storyals Lite is a unique learning solution for the modern organization. It provides users with on-demand training and story-based tutorials on how to work smarter with digital tools in Microsoft 365.

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Business need or problem

Users today are overwhelmed with the many modern tools that Microsoft 365 provides. It’s difficult for organizations to provide their employees with the necessary learning required for users to use these tools in an effective manner. Classroom based training, carried out a couple of times a year, is no longer sufficient to keep users trained with the constant changes and updates of today's modern tools.

Many users are stuck in traditional ways of working and don’t always welcome change. They need to be made aware of the benefits and understand why they should change their behavior, in addition to how to use the tools to do it.

An added organizational complexity is that training users on better ways of working using technology often falls between chairs of HR and IT.

Business solution

Storyals Lite is designed for departments and organizations of all sizesthat quickly want to provide their users with engaging digital learning, toinspire, motivate and educate their users to work smarter with Microsoft 365.

With Storyals Lite, users are provided with a learning sitewith self-paced, high-quality training videos and story-based tutorials.

The on-demand videos from Storyals focus on “what you needto know” to work effectively using modern digital tools.

Users have access to a selected number of learning topics, each coveringvarious apps and features. All learning topics highlight digital workplace bestpractices and feature real-world scenarios. To further strengthenunderstanding, each topic includes a quiz with situational-based questions. Thesolution also includes “how-to” videos from Microsoft.

The learning solution is installed in your own Microsoft365 environment for users to have easy access, and the content is continuously updatedand maintained by Storyals.
Storyals Lite provides an easy way of building digitalskills and drive adoption in the workplace.

With Storyals Lite you get a:

*  A great looking SharePoint site
*  Access to all Storyals topics
*  Continuous video updates
*  Quizzes to strengthen understanding
*  Certificates to recognizecompletion
*  Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways
*  Professional support andmaintenance

Business value

WithStoryals Lite organizations can accelerate digital adoption and provide their employeeswith the digital skills they need for today’s modern workplace. Digital trainingat your fingertips, accessible at any time, and new insights that can beapplied directly on the job.

Creating confident users gets rid of unnecessaryfrustration and lowers the need for technical support. It improves productivityand - without a doubt, creates a happier workplace!

Success factors

Tosucceed with digital workplace adoption using Storyals Lite, your IT departmentor IT-hosting provider needs to be involved.  Storyals Lite is installed in your ownMicrosoft 365 environment as a pre-populated SharePoint Communication siteleveraging the Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways framework.  It offers a visually appealing, out-of-the-boxadoption site, maintained and updated by Storyals.

We know that to be successful in drivingadoption and building digital skills, it is vital to have the support ofmanagement and other key stakeholders. We recommend you make a plan for how toroll out the adoption program to end-users in order to get everyone on-board.Storyals Adoption Experts are happy to help you with this.

Resources to get started

  • Storyals Lite
  • Storyals Lite
  • Storyals Lite
  • Storyals Lite
  • Storyals Lite
  • Storyals Lite
  • Storyals Lite
  • Storyals Lite
  • Storyals Lite