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Powell Teams

A modern collaboration experience that is effortless, organized, easy to manage and governed.

Powell Teams is a modern collaboration solution to maximize user experience and take full advantage of Microsoft Teams.
Powell Teams is the collaboration pillar  of the Powell  365 Digital Workplace which also includes  Powell Intranet, the communication and employee engagement pillar. Powell Teams value proposition is aimed at all employees, and business functions, especially HR, internal communications and IT teams.

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Business solution

For Employees
Powell Teams enhances the user experience by making it easier for users to access and search for the Microsoft Teams to which they belong. Powell Teams offers  an intuitive dashboard to filter Teams based on business criteria.  It also helps manage the proliferation of Teams.
Powell Teams also guides users by offering ready-to-use Teams templates that allow users to create a complete team in 3 clicks. The Team comes loaded with channels, applications and tabs in accordance with the business governance and IT security standards set by the IT team.

For IT

IT teams need to strike the right balance between adopting Microsoft 365 to the business context, making it easy for employees to use, and complying with the rules of security, compliance and good IT management. Powell Teams allows IT to set up an agile and business-oriented governance, defining criteria for each Team template such as:  

*  Naming rule and labels
*  External or internal, public, or private access rights
*  Number of owners and team members
*  Expiration and archiving
*  Approval process

Powell Teams also enables the automation of many of Microsoft Teams' management tasks: reporting and recurrent review of rules, archiving teams,  and improving the creation of teams.

Business value

Benefits: Employeesgain productivity and agility; By directly integrating all Microsoft 365services and capabilities offered by Microsoft Teams into our Team templates,users take full advantage of all those products that they don't always know howto use properly and that they sometimes didn't even know existed: Planner,OneNote, Booking, Forms, Stream, PowerBi, advanced document search, and muchmore.

Ready-to-useteams save considerable time in the execution of day-to-day tasks and  promote teamwork by bringing togetherdocumentation,  discussions and approvalprocesses related to activities within the same space.   It also enables business leaders to ensuregood project governance for documents and access to information.

Powell Teams optimizes Microsoft Teamsmanagement time by IT teams. IT implements   balanced and automatic governance. IT teams can co-build business usesand maximize the adoption of Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365.

Success factors

The success will come from an agile project management that includes IT professionals for the Governance aspects and Business owners to select which business scenario to start with. While the solution is technically very easy to deploy, most of our customers will include a Microsoft 365 partner to ensure the best adoption by employees of all the selected scenarios.

  • Powell Teams
  • Powell Teams
  • Powell Teams
  • Powell Teams
  • Powell Teams
  • Powell Teams