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Contextual Microlearning for Microsoft 365

Plug and play context sensitive microlearning available to your users in-context within Microsoft 365 apps.

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Business need or problem

MicrosoftOffice 365 apps like SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, Planner and more areconstantly changing and evolving. The challenge is how do you help your users withconsistent training and guidance while they are using these applications? Youmight already have a learning management system or a knowledge hub in place butthose are not contextual and not available for quick learning and help theusers need to be able to do their tasks.

On top of that, your business processes areconstantly changing and you want to be able to provide prescriptive guidance,governance and policies to your users at their moment-of-need so they don’thave to go looking for help when they need it.

Business solution

VisualSP’scontextual microlearning platform provides an overlay on top of each MicrosoftOffice 365 application to make it easy for users to get their answers whereverthey are.

TheVisualSP help tab follows the users around wherever they go within their web browser.The users can always count on clicking the VisualSP tab to find the answers to theirquestions and learn what they need to be able to quickly and efficientlyaccomplish their tasks.

TheVisualSP solution comes with over a thousand completely customizable pre-built helpand learning modules that are always kept updated as the underlyingapplications evolve.

VisualSP can be extended to your other internalcustom and SaaS web applications as well. This provides the users a consistenthelp and support experience enabling them to have your policies, guidance andlearning always available contextually within their own environment.

Business value

VisualSPun-frustrates the users by capitalizing on the proven concept of contextualmicrolearning.

VisualSPis currently available to more than 2 million users around the world. VisualSP’scustomers report a 27% reduction in support tickets and higher level of usersatisfaction because they always have the answers and learning they needavailable at their fingertips. This has become more necessary than ever forremote workers.

VisualSP increases user adoption and user engagementwith Microsoft 365 applications as well as any of your other custom webapplications being used by your end users.

Success factors

Theplug n play nature of the solution facilitates the rapid deployment and impacton user engagement starting on day 1.

VisualSP is a complete solution that incorporatesproduct with complementary user adoption services. Ongoing performance reviewsare conducted with clients to assess the job VisualSP is doing towards their userengagement and user adoption goals. The continuous feedback and engagement withour customers has shown to produce significant positive impact by realizing theirreturn on investment of their digital applications.

  • Contextual Microlearning for Microsoft 365