Using Copilot in Nonprofit

Microsoft 365 Copilot is your AI assistant for nonprofit work. It can boost productivity, amplify creativity, and securely empower everyone in the organization to help fulfill the organizations mission. Copilot can help employees and volunteers save time and energy to help increase impact.

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Microsoft Copilot opportunity to impact key functional area KPIs

Review our KPI overviews and view additional scenario details.

Administrative expense ratio

The administrative expense ratio measures the percentage of an organization’s expenses that are being allocated to administrative costs. This helps measure the direct impact of a charity’s program relative to the cost required to run it to help donors identify high-impact charities.

Volunteer retention

Measure the organization’s success with reducing attrition and increasing repeat volunteerism.

Program impact

Define a program’s theory of change, monitoring and evaluation goals, and deliver impact faster.

Fundraising ROI

Fundraising ROI is the ratio of net funds raised divided by fundraising costs.

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Transform Nonprofit processes

Key processes Before AI Using AI
Deliver impactful programsLaunching new programs and managing existing program performance requires complex coordination.

Improve program efficiency

Reduce the effort to launch programs

Engage supporters and fundersCompetition for limited funding requires market analysis and creation of great content.

Simplify the tasks associated with fundraising.

Get creative to raise more money

Use Copilot to engage with donors

Simplify the tasks associated with raising money

Operational efficiencyLack of efficient planning and maintenance can cause larger issues such as financial impact.

Speed onboarding and knowledge sharing

Improve recruitment, training, and staffing