Hey, let us be your tour guide to digital success! WorkplaceBuddy helps employees personally to become digitally skilled with a proactive chatbot and e-learning... with lots of fun!
Business need or problem
WorkplaceBuddy is there for all organizationswho want their colleagues to get the most out of their digital tools.Organizations who are struggling with too many service / support tickets, wholost confidence in getting return on investment on their digital tools, who areuncertain if their colleagues will be motivated to work with digital tools, whowant to change ways of working, who want to easily reach out to all colleaguesand create a positive engagement - WorkplaceBuddy will help you.
Business solution
With our Teams app colleagues can chat (and bereached out to), find learnings and keep track of their learning journey. Aftertaking the interview with the chatbot, we build a personal and relevantlearning journey - sending you e-learnings through the chatbot and relevanttips. You can earn badges and track your progress. As an admin you can viewdashboards for your organization, see where skills are lacking and whatsoftware needs to be explained better to colleagues. You can alsoextend the chatbot and learning content with your own relevant content, such asonboarding paths and specific software training.
Business value
Whenusing WorkplaceBuddy you get:
* Insights in the digital skills of your colleagues
* A digitally resilient organization
* More value out of digital tools, hence getting more return on investment
* More productive colleagues
* Savings on support costs
* Savings on (offline) training and consultancy
Success factors
WorkplaceBuddyis proven to be especially successful with these types oforganizations:
* Working with digital positive stakeholders
* At least 500 employees
* Typically having a desk worker focus