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Storyals LMS365

A full-fledged digital learning solution filled with engaging content to drive digital transformation.

Storyals LMS365 will unlock the full potential or your digital workplace and create a full learning experience for all your employees. Get Storyals’ unique learning content of on-demand training and story-based tutorials on how to work smarter with digital tools in Microsoft 365 and make your employees digital champions. Unleash the creativity of your own workforce and provide them the ability to create their own courses in full capacity of LMS365.

Learn more

Business need or problem

Userstoday are overwhelmed with the many modern tools that Microsoft 365provides. It’s difficult for organizations to provide their employees with thenecessary learning required for users to use these tools in an effectivemanner. Classroom based training, carried out a couple of times a year, is nolonger sufficient to keep users trained with the constant changes and updatesof today's modern tools.  

Manyusers are stuck in traditional ways of working and don’t always welcomechange. They need to be made aware of the benefits and understand why theyshould change their behavior, in addition to how to use the tools to do it.  

Inaddition to providing users with the necessary coaching and guidance, changemanagement leaders need tools to assign, track and follow up on end userlearning. In addition to providing users with engaging learning on what ispossible with the many tools in Microsoft 365, it’s also imperative to provideusers with other type of digital learning – from health and safetyinstructions, to employee policies.

Business solution

Storyals LMS365 is designed for organizations lookingfor a full-fledged learning solution filled with engaging content onMicrosoft 365 to drive digital transformation – as well as a rich platform toprovide users with broad digital learning.  
Storyals LMS365offers the full power of LMS365, allowing you tocreate and manage your own courses, both digital and traditional classroomtraining. It also provides employees with Storyals unique story-basedlearning content and adoption tools.  
Story-based learningcontent
With Storyals LMS365,users are provided with self-paced, high-quality training videos andstory-based tutorials.  The on-demand videosfrom Storyals focus on “what you need to know” to work effectivelyusing modern digital tools. Users have access to a selected number oflearning topics, each covering various apps and features. Alllearning topics highlight digital workplace best practices and featurereal-world scenarios and are continuously updated and maintainedby Storyals. To further strengthen understanding, each topic includesa quiz with situational-based questions. The solution also includes“how-to” videos from Microsoft via Microsoft Learning Pathways.    
Arich digital learning management solution
TheLMS365 learning management system is built for Microsoft 365. It is fully integrated withMicrosoft Teams, SharePoint and Active Directory for users to have easy accessthrough their own digital workplace.  
With Storyals LMS365 you get:  
Learning content:    

*  A great looking SharePoint site
*  Access to all Storyals topics
*  Continuous video updates
*  Quizzes to strengthen understanding
*  Personalized completion certificates
*  Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways

Digital learning tools:    

*  LMS365 forbroad learning
*  LMS365 Teams app
*  Anywhere access via mobile app
*  Professional support and maintenance    
*  Provide personalized dashboards
*  Assign learning topics to users
*  Learnerprogress reports


*  Createyour own courses
*  Createyour own training plans
*  Haveunlimited course catalogs
*  Manageclassroom-based training
*  Getrich reports with learner progress
*  Visualizelearning data with Power BI

Business value

WithStoryals LMS365 organizations get an end-to-end solution to accelerate digitaladoption and promote continuous learning and development. Digital training atyour fingertips, accessible at any time, and new insights that can be applieddirectly on the job. Tools to assign learning content, send gentle reminders,and reward users with personalized completion certificates.

By creating a culture of continuous learning anddevelopment will improve productivity, enhance employee retention and - withouta doubt, create a happier and more competent workforce!

Success factors

Tosucceed with digital workplace adoption and broad digital learning usingStoryals LMS365, your IT department or IT-hosting provider needs to beinvolved.

WithStoryals LMS365 learning content is made available to end users via SharePoint,Teams or via a mobile app. Storyals LMS365 leverages the learning managementsolution LMS365 and Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways to provide “how-to” videosto end users.

We know that to be successful in drivingadoption and broad learning, it is vital to have the support of management andother key stakeholders. We recommend you make a plan for how to roll out the learningsolution to end-users in order to get everyone on-board. Storyals AdoptionExperts are happy to help you with this.

Resources to get started

  • Storyals LMS365
  • Storyals LMS365
  • Storyals LMS365
  • Storyals LMS365
  • Storyals LMS365
  • Storyals LMS365
  • Storyals LMS365
  • Storyals LMS365
  • Storyals LMS365