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Atlas Digital Workspace

Atlashelps you achieve more by bringing knowledge, communication and collaborationtogether. Atlas is the only all-in-one platform for Microsoft 365.

The way we work has changed. Atlas connects people, tools and information to create better experiences and outcomes.

Atlas provides an intuitive interface on whichever platform the user prefers, including native Microsoft mobile apps for Teams and SharePoint. 

The experience is easy and engaging, plus the use of artificial intelligence means Atlas surfaces the right information to the right person at the right time.

People in 100+ countries (and counting) love Atlas as their digital workspace.

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Business need or problem

*  Low productivity & engagement
Improving employee engagement and productivity is hard – and even harder withdispersed or remote working teams.
*  Low adoption
Organizations are unable to realize their investment in Microsoft 365 andits full potential.
*  Data sprawl
Knowledge sharing becomes more difficult as new data silos proliferate andcreate end-user confusion.
*  I can’t find stuff
Employees can spend 1.8 hours per daysearching for and gathering information (McKinsey).
*  The cost of inefficiency
The cost of Inefficient communication and substandardcollaboration has been calculated to be £8k/person p.a. (Raconteur).

Business solution

*  IncreaseProfits and Returns
Atlas lets you sell more, do more andachieve more by getting the most out of Microsoft 365.
*  PreventKnowledge Drain
The loss of knowledge is hugelydetrimental to any organisation. Atlas makes it easy for everyone tocontribute, share and find knowledge.
*  Reduce Risk
By making governance and compliance simpler,Atlas is a game changer for IT and business users.
*  IncreaseProductivity
Our clever tools truly save time, so employeescan focus on tasks that matter.

Business value

*  Everythingin its place
Atlas is the one place that employees goto start and end their day, providing them with the tools and knowledge they needto ensure business success in a world of challenging budgets, remote workingand distracted customers.
*  Betteroutcomes
Businesses that embrace inclusivity areproven to deliver better outcomes. Atlas enables every employee to do theirbest, be engaged and more productive. Atlas is accessible from anywhere, on arange of devices, and is AA-compliant.
*  Break downsilos
Time spent trying to fathom processes andfind sources of knowledge distracts everyone from delivering value tocustomers. The open, interconnected infrastructure Atlas provides allowsinformation to flow freely but securely, and increases organizational transparency.
*  Bottom line savings
Atlas delivers the right informationmeasurably faster than if using Microsoft 365 alone.

“I am pleasantly surprised at how quick and easy the Atlas platform is in refining searches and enabling me to find the information I need within seconds.” Stuart Whittle, Business Services and Innovations Director - Weightmans

“Atlas helps us to ensure our employees on the frontline have all of the information they need to deliver a successful service. Thomas Harmeyer, Executive Vice President - Tokio Marine

“What has been key is the ability to deliver complex features and functionality through a simple and engaging user experience that makes sense to our users wherever they are, in the office, on-site or in a first line worker role. One of the obvious benefits of the investments we have made is that we are far better placed to deliver outstanding outcomes for our customers” Ryan Macnamee, Group CIO – Laing O´Rourke

Success factors

*  Engaged users = more productive users
Atlassimplifies daily tasks, taking the stress out of work life and making tech moreaccessible.
*  Knowledge should flow seamlessly through every organization
Atlas makesit easy for everyone to contribute, be heard and find the knowledge they’relooking for
*  Easy and improved collaboration
Atlas makescollaborating easy, with simple provisioning tools that provide agility andenriched, visually engaging areas to produce and consume content. People cancollaborate, share stories and just enjoy.
*  Measuresuccess
Atlas has advancedworkspace provisioning, designed for the end-user but controlled by IT andgoverned by the business. Powerful analytics enable the organization tomeasure success.

  • Atlas Digital Workspace
  • Atlas Digital Workspace
  • Atlas Digital Workspace
  • Atlas Digital Workspace
  • Atlas Digital Workspace
  • Atlas Digital Workspace