AvePoint’s Virtual Assistant (AVA)
Business need or problem
Contentcreation and consumption across various Microsoft 365 services like Exchange Online,Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive is growing at a rapid pace.
If emails, documents or SharePoint sites are deleted,how easy is it for a Microsoft 365 user to restore it especially if it’s not inthe recycle bin anymore?
How quick can the helpdesk or IT support team recover and restore contentwhenever help is requested?
Business solution
Sayhello to AVA, AvePoint’s Virtual Assistant! AVA automates common restorerequests and other tedious tasks that could cause a help desk ticketbacklog…basically making email, documents and SharePoint sites recovery andrestore a cinch.
AVAautomatically responds to Microsoft Teams chats initiated by end users who aresearching for lost content.
AVAcan locate missing files, recently modified documents, broken URLs to documentsand files, lost emails in Microsoft 365.
AVAgives your help desk team the freedom to focus on more pressing tasks at hand,while making restore and recovery just another an easy-to-use feature for yourend users. With security always top of mind, you can bet AVA’s got all theright controls in place to enforce permissions and make sure content stays inthe right hands. AVA is the helpful little chatbot you forgot you needed.
Business value
By enabling users access to self-service restorecapabilities, users can get the data they need quicker and lower the burden onhelp desk and IT support.
Success factors
* Quick recovery andrestoration of Microsoft 365 content for end users
* Reduce helpdeskand IT team support burden