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AvePoint MyHub

Easily organize and keep track of your Teams,Sites, Groups and Communities in Microsoft 365.

Meet AvePoint MyHub, your one-stop-shop for managing existing Microsoft 365 workspaces and creating new ones—all from Microsoft Teams or our handy web app! Organize, centralize, and take control of your Microsoft 365 workspaces. Even curate workspace hubs for easier navigation and management.

Simplify your Microsoft 365 collaboration experience with AvePoint MyHub. Make it easy to do the right thing and start becoming more productive today!

Learn more

Business need or problem

Increasedcollaboration across various Microsoft 365 services like Microsoft Teams,SharePoint and Yammer  as adoption ofMicrosoft 365 continues to grow at a rapid pace.

Inaddition to rapid adoption of these services, membership to multiple Teams,Groups, or access to various SharePoint sites are overwhelming Microsoft 365users.

Withthis challenge, how can you easily organize, centralize, and manage yourMicrosoft 365 workspaces? How can you have a one stop shop and have a singleview into all the workspaces they collaborate? How can you organize these collaboration workspaces based on importanceor purpose?

Business solution

AvePointMyHub is a Microsoft 365 certified Microsoft Teams app that provides a centrallocation for users to manage their existing Microsoft 365 workspaces (MicrosoftTeams, Microsoft 365 Groups, Yammer communities, and SharePoint sites) andcreate new ones.  

Usersare able to create “personal tags” to filter organize and filter workspacesacross hubs.  For example, a user canapply a “Project” tag to all project-related workspaces across Microsoft Teams,Yammer and SharePoint.

MyHuballows users to easily find and organize the workspaces of interest, whilehaving the ability to quickly navigate to the files, tasks, calendars, orcontent they need from a single location.

Microsoft365 offers powerful collaboration workspaces, and MyHub aims to reduce timespent looking for information and gives users direct access to workspaces theycare the most about.

Business value

AvePoint MyHub enables easy organization ofMicrosoft 365 workspaces, efficient access to relevant information, and ensurescollaboration security in Microsoft 365.

Success factors

*  Improvedproductivity through efficient access to relevant information
*  Facilitatessustainable Microsoft 365 adoption through easy organization of workspaces
*  Ensures collaboration security through bettervisibility and control of workspace memberships

  • AvePoint MyHub
  • AvePoint MyHub
  • AvePoint MyHub
  • AvePoint MyHub
  • AvePoint MyHub
  • AvePoint MyHub
  • AvePoint MyHub