Business need or problem
Inmany organisations, Microsoft 365 adoption can be hampered by misunderstandingsand a lack of support for users. The first step in the correct use of Microsoft365 is to gain a healthy understanding of the ‘why’ and how it will benefityou. Only then can you begin to understand the ‘how’.
Business solution
Designed anddeveloped by our team of experts, the YourKnowHow video portfolio contains over250 videos covering all the day to day topics users need to understand toeffectively use Microsoft 365. What’s even better is that our library isupdated on a monthly basis, ensuring users learn the most up to date content inan environment they are familiar with.
* Over 250 Microsoft 365 Videos
* Developed by our Team of Experts
* 2-4 Minute easy to consume bite-sized content
* Fully narrated
* Full HD with Captions
* Simple deployment, Azure, Stream, SCORM Compliant
* Monthly content updates in line with Microsoft 365
* Custom video development available
Business value
Ourclients see a rapid and sustained increase in adoption of Microsoft 365. Ourunique approach to delivering in time support and learning ensures adoption ofthe tools and boosts to productivity.
* Reduced time to M365 benefit realisation
* Reduced cost of end user training and communications
* Increased user productivity
* Reduced Service Deskdisruption/traffic
* Stronger Programme perception from SeniorLeadership down to end user
Success factors
Driving your organization forward to achievetrue digital transformation, providing just in time, up to date help andsupport to your users.