Microsoft 365 Champions – Modern Workplace Community
Create an organization wide Microsoft 365 Champions – Modern Workplace Community and keep all of your employees informed.
Business need or problem
There are a lot of sources for information regarding Microsoft 365. But how do the users know about the right ones for their specific job and the Microsoft 365 environment at your organization. Microsoft 365 looks different in different organizations.
Users are overwhelmed with all the digital tools and features Microsoft 365 provides. They do not welcome change and stick to their “business as usual”. The users must be informed of the changes, new features and the benefits.
The users do not like to ask how you use the digital tools or on the other hand overrun the technical support with the same questions.
Business solution
The 365 Akademie helps you create a place for social learning in Microsoft Teams and supports your Microsoft 365 Champions – Modern Workplace Community with insights and impulses on how to use the new features. The short and easy to follow videos are perfect for Teams posts and drive the communication.
Business value
The integration of the learning videos into Microsoft Teams drives Adoption and helps your organization to achieve more.
The usage of all the Microsoft 365 Apps increases. Social learning helps users to learn self-organized. This reduces the technical support and gives more room for innovation.
Success factors
The support of management and other key stakeholders and a communication strategy are the two main aspects of a successful implementation. The 365 Akademie supports you with its expertise and gives insights and impulses.