Custom Backgrounds Gallery
for Microsoft Teams

Custom backgrounds in Microsoft Teams helps show off your own personal style and make meetings more fun and inclusive! When joining a Teams meeting, you want the focus on you – not other stuff in the room. Custom backgrounds provide a great way to minimize those distractions and bring in new ways to meet face to face.

Submit a background

How to customize your background in Microsoft Teams

Background settings before a Microsoft Teams meeting

Change your background before a meeting starts

While you’re setting up your video and audio before joining a meeting, turn on your camera and select Background filters.

Background settings in a Microsoft Teams meeting

Change your background during a meeting

Go to the top of your meeting screen and select More actions (indicated by three dots), then Background effects.

Interested in creating a custom scene for Together mode? Learn more about designing a scene using Scene Studio

Custom backgrounds for Microsoft Teams

Submit your custom Microsoft Teams background

We encourage you to submit your own creations to have them featured in our collections from the community!

Submit now Submit your custom Microsoft Teams background