Retail Manager guide
Meet Alex, a store manager with Contoso Groceries. He uses Teams to help recruit and train staff, better collaborate with vendors, and develop marketing campaigns.
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8:00 am
Alex reviews meetings scheduled for the day on his Teams mobile app. A notification also shows that a new report is available for review.
9:00 am
At his office, Alex uses the Teams app and checks on the “Store Performance Tab” to review store metrics. He notices the sales forecast for the Boston store are trending low. Alex @ mentions Katie asking her for insights
10:00 am
Alex comes across an article, on the company’s Yammer network and shares it on his Teams “Retail” channel. He marks the conversation as important and @ mentions the entire channel asking them to come prepared with ideas at their next meeting.
11:30 am
To prepare to lead a presentation at his next meeting, Alex navigates to the “New Employee Orientation” channel, to review questions asked by new employees in previous sessions.
1:00 pm
On the Planner app, Alex notices he has an upcoming task to ensure readiness for the product refresh. He needs to confirm if the distribution of shelf sets has been completed in all the stores.
2:30 pm
Alex uses Teams chat to see if Cecilia is available for a quick chat. He starts an audio / video call with her to check if shelf sets have been completed. Alex adds Katie, the store associate, to their call, to check on the distribution of shelf sets.
3:30 pm
Based on the conversation with Cecilia and Katie, Alex creates a Wiki tab on the Teams channel and creates a checklist for every store to use as guidance for the campaign. Since this is a Wiki, Alex encourages all team members to contribute on lessons learned.
5:00 pm
Alex receives an email and realizes a few employees still need to complete a mandatory training. Using a past email with the list of trainings, he forwards the email to the Teams channel’s email address. He asks all employees to review their mandatory training completion status to be compliant.
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