Nurse Supervisor guide
Meet Michelle, a Charge Nurse at Contoso Hospital, who uses Microsoft Teams to collaborate, connect, and improve patient care.
Download PDF versionA day in the life of a nurse supervisor using Microsoft Teams
7:00 am
Michelle starts her day at the hospital by clocking in using Teams on her mobile device as she prepares for her shift.
8:30 am
From the nursing station, Michelle reviews the day’s Shift Report Summary, and sees patient care items have been flagged as high priority. Michelle reviews these items and follows-up on missing lab work and potential discharges.
9:00 am
She then heads to the Daily Huddles with the clinical team and ensures they are monitoring their Teams channel for priority items that require completion for patient care.
10:00 am
In charge of managing bed assignments, Michelle makes sure available beds are cleaned and ready for admissions. She sends notes to biomed that room 1A needs a bed repaired/replacement.
10:45 am
Michelle tags a new nurse in OneNote that contains the PICC prep checklist to make sure the doctor has what is needed
11:30 am
She reviews the patient discharge list to confirm they have required medications, medical devices, and care instructions for discharge to be completed.
1:00 pm
Michelle attends the hospital Quality and Safety Huddle and learns there is an increase in infection rates on the Dashboard for 2 nursing care units. The trends are tracked to improperly cleaned equipment
3:00 pm
She tags the Nurse Supervisors at both hospital locations where the equipment is used. She creates a new Teams channel to keep in touch and share best practices with her colleagues.
4:30 pm
A patient’s family shows up in the waiting room and asks Michelle about a loved one. She searches for the patient’s electronic record on her mobile device and updates the family.
6:00 pm
Michelle schedules the monthly inservice training for updated procedures and tags all nurses and supporting staff.
7:00 pm
At the end of her shift, Michelle reviews Shift Summary with oncoming Charge Nurse and clocks out.
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