Human Resources (HR) guide
Meet Allan, an HR professional who uses Microsoft Teams to collaborate, and communicate all day long.
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7:45 am
Starts the day at home by checking the Activity Feed for notifications from channels he follows and where he’s been @mentioned.
8:30 am
While commuting, uses the Microsoft Teams smartphone app to join the daily status meeting for the Event Planning Team.
9:30 am
Allan accesses the recruiting events spreadsheet in the Files tab and works with other team members to co-edit in Excel.
10:30 am
He saves the executive coach CV and presentation into the Leadership Retreat Planning channel for review by the broader team.
11:45 am
Creates a new College Recruiting channel within the HR team. Posts link to the draft schedule and invite key team members to provide feedback.
1:00 pm
Double booked, so he uses Teams to review meeting notes in OneNote and watches the latest executive townhall.
1:45 pm
Reads the latest Yammer news about employee engagement via the Teams connector. Pops over to Yammer to participate in the conversation.
3:00 pm
Checks the planner tab to ensure assigned tasks and due dates are completed for key milestones for the upcoming event.
4:00 pm
Uses the Stream tab to share event location video shot by interns. Adds video topic to the team conversation in the Leadership Retreat Planning channel.
4:30 pm
Uses the Hootsuite link on the Social Media channel to review new content and checks the latest industry specific news.
5:15 pm
To coordinate arrival and departure times for the event, Allan adds Kayak bot to Teams to help team members search for flights and hotels, then heads home.
7:30 pm
After dinner, Allan searches Teams to locate all conversations and files related to the event in preparation for tomorrow’s Leadership Retreat planning meeting.
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