Engineering guide
Meet April. She manages an engineering team creating a cutting-edge app. To be productive and save time, she and her team use Microsoft Search and Office 365 all day long.
Download PDF versionA day in the life of an engineer using Microsoft Search
8:30 am
In the elevator, April searches “my meetings” to see her calendar. Up first is a 9 AM interview with Ying Li.
8:45 am
She searches HR’s SharePoint for Ying’s resume and finds the link. A quick read through refreshes her memory.
10:00 am
It went well! April recaps their discussion and shares her feedback with the other interviewers on Teams.
10:30 am
An employee needs info from sales. April searches for the VP of Sales and quickly finds a contact in his org.
12:45 pm
The monthly metrics review is Monday. She searches for “Dev Power BI dashboard” and dives in to the numbers.
1:30 pm
April needs to move a meeting with one of her directs. She looks Chris up on Bing to see when he’s free.
2:15 pm
The interviews are going well. A quick web search for “Ying Li” shows her GitHub check-ins. They look great.
3:00 pm
April’s late for a meeting. She pulls up a floor plan for “conf room 9025” on her phone so she knows exactly where to go.
4:15 pm
She searches for ‘conversations about Ying’ to scan everyone’s feedback, then joins a Teams meeting to discuss.
5:00 pm
Everyone agrees: Ying is a hire. April sends off an email to HR asking them to extend an offer. Woohoo!
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Get started with Microsoft Search in Bing
Microsoft Search in Bing brings you the best of the web and work in a single experience.