Hearing guide
Meet Adira, a Senior Product Manager at Contoso Bank who uses Microsoft Teams to help her org develop new financial products, deliver differentiated services to commercial clients, and drive revenue growth. She also is hard of hearing.
Download PDF versionA day in the life of a senior product manager who is hard of hearing using Microsoft Teams
8:00 am
Call in Teams with the accounts payable department. Adira turns on live captions and transcripts so she can participate in the discussion.
9:30 am
Meeting to review a new mutual fund offering. The presenter turned on background noise suppression, which helps Adira hear what’s said. Background blur helps her read lips.
12:30 pm
After lunch, Adira watches a virtual tour of a new Contoso bank branch. There’s a lot of noise from the street, so she turns on background noise suppression in Stream to hear more easily.
2:00 pm
Contoso is sponsoring a volunteer project: building a new playground! Adira uploads the recruitment video and a transcript file to the intranet so all employees can learn about it.
3:00 pm
A visual notification from her Outlook pops up, notifying her that an important client email needs her immediate attention.
4:00 pm
Adira does a final edit pass on a new bid proposal and sends it off.
4:30 pm
Before she heads home, she wants to find a quote from a meeting last week. She pulls up the recording and searches the autogenerated transcript to find what she’s looking for quickly.
5:30 pm
Adira leaves for the day, excited to meet up with friends for dinner later in the evening.
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