Enter your First Name
Enter your Last Name
Enter the Partner Name
Enter a valid MPNID
Enter a valid email address
  • You are currently a member of the Microsoft Partner Network
  • This solution(s) is a Microsoft Teams-based solution
  • This solution(s) was built to be a scalable, repeatable solution
  • This solution(s) is currently in market with 5 customer deployments
Which scenario best describes you?*
As an existing partner, what would you like to do?*

To add a new solution to your existing partner page, please email partgall@microsoft.com with details.
A member of our team will assist you with this update.

To update the information on your existing partner page, please email partgall@microsoft.com with details.
A member of our team will assist you with this update.

To update the information on your existing solution page, please email partgall@microsoft.com with details.
A member of our team will assist you with this update.

Partner Details

Click here to see an example of the final page layout for partner pages.

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG or PNG only.

Do you want to display a “Featured content” section which allows you to highlight more partner details?

100 characters max



Do you want to display a featured image or video?*
What type of media asset would you like to feature?*

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG or PNG only.

Only YouTube or Vimeo is accepted. Provide the embed URL (not)the video URL or the embed code). The embed URL will look like this: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/abcdefg" or "https://player.vimeo.com/video/1234"

100 characters max

Solution #1 Details

Click here to see an example of the final page layout for solution pages.

250 characters max

500 characters max

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG or PNG only.

Do you want to display a featured image or video?*
What type of media asset would you like to feature?**

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG or PNG only.

Only YouTube or Vimeo is accepted. Provide the embed URL (not)the video URL or the embed code). The embed URL will look like this: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/abcdefg" or "https://player.vimeo.com/video/1234"

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG, PNG or GIF only. Maximum file size: 5mb. Maximum number of images: 15

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

Do you have another solution to add to the Partner Solution Gallery?*

Solution #2 Details

Click here to see an example of the final page layout for solution pages.

250 characters max

500 characters max

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG or PNG only.

Do you want to display a featured image or video?*
What type of media asset would you like to feature?**

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG or PNG only.

Only YouTube or Vimeo is accepted. Provide the embed URL (not)the video URL or the embed code). The embed URL will look like this: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/abcdefg" or "https://player.vimeo.com/video/1234"

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG, PNG or GIF only. Maximum file size: 5mb. Maximum number of images: 15

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

Do you have a third solution to add to the Partner Solution Gallery?*

Solution #3 Details

Click here to see an example of the final page layout for solution pages.

250 characters max

500 characters max

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG or PNG only.

Do you want to display a featured image or video?*
What type of media asset would you like to feature?**

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG or PNG only.

Only YouTube or Vimeo is accepted. Provide the embed URL (not)the video URL or the embed code). The embed URL will look like this: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/abcdefg" or "https://player.vimeo.com/video/1234"

Recommend size is 1200x628 pixels. JPG, PNG or GIF only. Maximum file size: 5mb. Maximum number of images: 15

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

For internal use only. This information will not be displayed publicly on the Partner solution gallery.

Do you have a fourth solution to add to the Partner Solution Gallery?*

We are only accepting up to 3 solution submissions per form entry. To submit more additional solutions, please submit this form and then refresh the page to create a new form entry. Once the form loads again, for the question "Which scenario best describes you?" choose "I would like to add a new solution to my existing partner page." You may then continue to submit up to 3 additional solutions.

I will receive information and communication about Microsoft Adoption and the Partner Solution Gallery. Privacy Statement