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Clobba RT

Advanced reporting, wallboards and monitors specifically for users of Teams Queues and Auto Attendants.

Clobba RT is an additional module to Clobba delivering real-time and historical information on the performance of Teams Call Queues, Auto Attendants and the associated agents.

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Business need or problem

Users of Teams AutoAttendants and Queues can miss certain elements to give users the contactcenter experience they are familiar with. They expect visibility of performancestatistics to complete a ‘lite’ contact center and the ability to viewwallboards and detailed reports natively is missing from Teams. This is whereClobbaRT comes in.

Business solution

Simple to use and configurable to individual needs, Clobba RT deliversvaluable insights into Teams CQ and AA performance and productivity via its wallboardand automated reporting capability.

Real-time presence statistics are mixed with productivity trends over adefined date range. The emphasis is on quick, easy access to relevantinformation and the automation of many of the reporting tasks.

Business value

Clobba RT delivers key performance andproductivity metrics on Teams CQs, AAs and associated agents’ usage allowingfor informed decision making. The real-time and historical trend details allow for the correctallocation of resources and call routing which ensures KPIs are being met andleads to an increase in customers’ satisfaction.

The ability to applythresholds adds an element of gamification which can motivate agents leading toan increase in productivity.

Success factors

Our customers have cited an increase inproductivity with the performance metrics produced by Clobba RT; in some circumstances,productivity levels have increased by up to 50%.

  • Clobba RT
  • Clobba RT
  • Clobba RT
  • Clobba RT
  • Clobba RT
  • Clobba RT
  • Clobba RT
  • Clobba RT